Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

Having a Betta Fish. Part I. Esential Equipments

Having a Betta - Siji Betta
Hi Guys, mind me for sharing mu experience with you, it's how I keep my bettas and furthermore breeding them

Male Plakad Betta Fish

This article is written for knowledge purpose, so that it can help a new betta lovers to keep their fish beautifull and healthy 

okay, now let's say, just like me days ago, you wanted to have a betta, since you saw it somewhere, and just like I do , you are amazed with this wonderfull creature, so you want to keep one (or eventually more..) in your place, so you started to dream about it,think about it and do some research how to keep them... well it can't get out of your head, but don't worry, it happens to me to, and it's completely normal :D

so..let's get to the point here, what are the essentials for keeping bettas?

#Betta is one of the easiest fish to keep, they don't need much food or equipments, so that you can enjoy their beauty more rather than being busy keeping them alive.
But just as every living creature,they need certain things to stay healthy, and in this article I will share the most essential equipments that you will need to keep your bettas... don't worry it's supper cheap

1. Tank
You can use glass or acrylic tanks sold in every fish shop in your area, or of you don't want to buy tank (aquarium) you can also use jars or container box to keep the. but remember DON'T use small cups or bottle to keep them for long period, it will cause you too much problem afterwards.
I use this for keeping my betta

minimum volume that you can use is 2 liters ( I use 15cm x 10cm x 15cm tanks for medium size fish and 20x15x 15cm for large bettas, as for giant bettas I use 30 x 15 x 15 cm )
now,you might want to keep them in a huge tank (just like you might see in some youtube videos..) well that's also teribly wrong, because bettas are not suppose to be in a community tank, they are extremely teritorial, keeping them with other fishes is not a good idea, especially with another bettas.

therefore,keeping them in huge tank will only result waste of space and also energy (since you have to change a lot of water ) and also the worst part is , when we feed our betta, it might not notice it, and resulting waste of food

another thing that you might want to remember is don't put any hard ornaments in your betta tank, such as castle miniature that you often see in ornamental aquarium. bit aqua plant is allowed to keep your tank beautifull :) , bettas are strong and agresive fish regardless of it's tiny size, and when they are uncomfortable with something, they will swim like crazy and might hit some hard or sharp ornamenta in their keeping tank, resulting injuries.
Lastly,cover your tank with plastic or glass

cost : US$ 2 (20 x 15 x 15 glass tank )

2. Foam filter and Air Pump
These items are not really neccesary to keep your bettas alive, but we're talking about keeping your betta healthy and happy, so this 3-5 dollars investment is also essential.
The filter will create water circulation, you can picture it as an air conditoner in a closed room, it keeps the environment comfortable, and so it happens to a fish tank, a good water circulation will keep the fish in good condition, it also reduce the polution level in the water
While the air pump , other than used to make the filter works, it also create a slight current in the water, thus will keep your bettas active, but remember, don't give too much bubbles for your betta, since it will alert them too much, causing stress, just 2-3 bubbles per second is good.

oh by the way, air pump also helps to evaporate some chemical from the water especially chlorine and amonia

cost : US$1.25 for filters and US$ 1.75 for air pump

3. Heater 
For those who keep their bettas in tropical country, and thinking that heater is not necessary, think again :)
as we all know, bettas will need 25°C water temperature to have comfortable and happy life, and the problem is unless you keep them in a closed room, it's hard to maintain a stable temperature for the water.
when it it rains or windy night, the water temperature tends to drop, and it will cause problem ( as most fish do ) which is stress or if it happens for a long time, fungus desease might also occurs
the cheap and simple alternative is to keep your tank near heat source, suchs as fridge or rice cooker, but don't ..I mean do not ever ever put your bettas on a stove :D
oh and by the way, warm water is also good for breeding and raising your bettas, at 28°C bettas will have better metabolism running, so they intended to get mature faster, as the better metabolism means better cell regeneration (it also helps in healing illness or injuries )😃
allright, now as for breeding bettas, warmer water also helps the egg to hatch, as it prevents fungus invading the egg, and after it hatches, the fries which is very vulnerable to temperature changes (and desease) will have greater survival rate. as well as boosted metabolism which will make them grow bigger faster...

cost : US$ 3 for 25 water heater
Total cost : US$8 which is very very cheap for keeping a beautifull creature

Allright then, in the next article I will talk about the water for bettas, I'm sorry if there's any mistake in my article, since I'm no expert and also still learning about bettas :)

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This article is written by @SijiBetta for knowledge purpose for all betta lovers